Worship Ministry - Central Church of Christ

Worship Ministry

We believe that worship is the expression of our relationship with God.  Therefore, the primary purpose of Worship Ministry team is to help lead people in an experience that will truly express their relationship with God in the Sunday morning assembly. The Worship Ministry is composed of three groups: (1) Worship Planning Team, (2) Praise Team, and (3) Sound and Media Team.


This team meets monthly to plan the worship services for the month. Appropriate scriptures for the sermons are discussed.  The use of sermon graphics, the use of videos, and other worship tools are also discussed. The meeting is open to all those who wish to help plan our worship assemblies.  Call ahead for the time and place of these meetings.


The praise team currently has about 30 members.  The Praise Team meets weekly to rehearse the songs selected for the week’s worship assembly.  They also learn new songs that will be used in future worship services.  The Praise Team is always open to new members.  If you are interested in being a part of Central’s Praise Team, email Aaron Turner at aaronlylesturner@gmail.com.


The Sound and Media Team exists to serve Central by operating the sound and media equipment during Sunday morning assemblies and special events.  In addition, graphics must be developed, videos prepared, and Sunday morning songs, scriptures and other graphics must be prepared during the week prior to the Sunday worship. If you have a passion for computers or sound equipment, this ministry is a great way to use your gifts. Please email Aaron Turner at aaronlylesturner@gmail.com.